Category Alerts

IE Login Error fixed!

The recent problems with the login has been fixed on Internet Explorer. A backup system is now in place for any browser that does not support our current method of logging users into the eWishes site.

Login Error with Internet Explorer


There seems to be an issue when logging in using Internet Explorer. We've had several complaints in the last couple of weeks that we are looking into and may cause us to reconfigure the login process for those still using Internet Explorer.


Site Maintenance: November 26-28, 2010

We apologize for any inconvenience but please note that eWishes mya becoming temporarely unavailable during the weeknd including November 26, 27 and 28th. 

The site maintenant is to ensure a proper transitiion to the new platform of ewishes coming december 1st, 2011.

Again, we would like to apologize for any and all inconvenience you may encounter during this period.